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List of publications

“The 2024 amendments to Belgium’s arbitration law”, b-Arbitra, 2024, p. 7

“La loi du 28 mars 2024 modifie le droit de l’arbitrage”, CEPANI Newsletter, March 2024 link logo  pdf logo

“L’implication des arbitres dans les procédures judiciaires relatives à leurs sentences”, case note under Cass., 10 February 2023, RDC, 2023, p. 1202

“Enforcement of Awards v. Enforcement of Judgments in the EU: Arbitration Must Catch Up”, J. of Intl. Arb., 2023, p. 155  pdf logo

“Mentionner les voies de recours lors de la communication d’une sentence”, b-Arbitra, 2022, p. 416 pdf logo

“Secrétaire arbitral – Secret ou transparence du fonctionnement interne du tribunal”, b-Arbitra, 2021, p. 416  pdf logo

“Award Notifications Should Explain How to Seek Annulment”, ICC Institute Newsletter, June 2022  pdf logo

“Award Notifications Should Explain How to Seek Annulment”, CEPANI Newsletter, February 2022 link logo  pdf logo

“Rôles respectifs de l’expert « tiers décideur » et de l’arbitre dans le contentieux post-acquisition”, Liber Amicorum Jean-Pierre Blumberg (Intersentia 2021), p. 285~317  link logo  pdf logo 

“Further developments from the Constitutional Court on the non-arbitrability of residential lease disputes”, CEPANI Newsletter, March 2021, p. 2  link logo  pdf logo

“The Constitutional Court validates the non-arbitrability of residential lease disputes”, CEPANI Newsletter, November 2020, p. 2  link logo  pdf logo

“L’arbitrage, son coût et le droit d’accès au juge”, case note under Cass., 7 November 2019, JT, 2020, p. 440  pdf logo

“The incentives to arbitrate (or to settle) antitrust damages actions under Directive 2014/104”, in D. De Meulemeester, M. Berlingin, B. Kohl (eds.), Liber Amicorum Cepani 1969 – 2019 (Wolters Kluwer 2019), pp. 413~426  link logo  pdf logo

“Débats succincts et arbitrage”, RDC, 2019, p. 158  pdf logo

“Walloon Residential Leases May Not Provide for Arbitration”, CEPANI Newsletter, May 2019, p. 4  link logo  pdf logo

“The Impact of the IBA Guidelines and Rules on the Search for the Truth in Arbitration”, co-authored with Marieke van Hooijdonk, in Luc Demeyere (ed.), Do arbitral awards reveal the truth? (Wolters Kluwer 2019), pp. 93~120  link logo  pdf logo

“Non-Arbitrability of Residential Lease Disputes in Flanders”, CEPANI Newsletter, January 2019, p. 3  link logo  pdf logo

“Les délais de recours contre les sentences arbitrales et leur exequatur”, case note under Cass., 20 April 2018, JT, 2018, p. 720 pdf logo

“Garanties bancaires et arbitrage”, Actualités en droit commercial et bancaire, Liber amicorum Martine Delierneux (Larcier 2017), pp. 317~338 link logo pdf logo

“Brussels prohibits arbitration clauses in residential leases”, CEPANI Newsletter, October 2017, p. 3  link logo  pdf logo

“Judicial Protection in the Single Resolution Mechanism”, in R. Houben and W. Vandenbruwaene (eds.), The Single Resolution Mechanism (Intersentia 2017), pp. 77~119  link logo  pdf logo

“Pour la dénonciation des traités bilatéraux en matière d’arbitrage”, JT, 2015, p. 690  pdf logo

“Arbitrage, mesures provisoires et responsabilité du demandeur”, b-Arbitra, 2015, p. 89  pdf logo

“La loi relative à la continuité des entreprises — le point de vue du candide — traitement différencié des créanciers — réflexions critiques et droit comparé”, RPS, 2015, p. 5  pdf logo

“Droits d’enregistrement et sentences arbitrales : nouveaux développements”, b-Arbitra, 2014, p. 421  pdf logo

“Liability for Inappropriate Interim Measures in Commercial Arbitration”, Cah. arb., 2014, p. 243 pdf logo

“Belgium: no longer a proper guerrilla terrain for arbitration”, IBA Arbitration News, February 2014, p. 55  pdf logo

“Droits d’enregistrement et sentences arbitrales”, b-Arbitra, 2013, p. 275  pdf logo

“Les mesures de redressement bancaire”, in coll., 20 ans de Loi bancaire, Cahiers AEDBF, Intersentia, 2013, p. 99 pdf logo

“Le nouveau règlement d’arbitrage de la CCI : observations de droit belge”, R.D.C., 2012, p. 207  pdf logo

Belgian chapter in Graham McBain, ed., Aircraft Liens and Detention Rights, Sweet & Maxwell, last updated 2011, co-authored with D. Wallace and K. Thibaut

Belgian chapter in Graham McBain, ed., Aircraft Finance: Registration, Security and Enforcement, Sweet & Maxwell, last updated 2011, co-authored with D. Wallace and K. Thibaut

“Les financements d’acquisitions d’entreprises : descente de dette et assistance financière”, in coll., La banque dans la vie de l’entreprise, Ed. du Jeune Barreau de Bruxelles, 2005, p. 259

“Les emphytéoses, superficies et usufruits sont-ils des actifs bancables ?”, Rec. gén. enr. not., 2004, p. 433

“Les dérivés de crédit”, in coll., Produits dérivés, Cahiers AEDBF, Bruylant, 1999, p. 115

“Bank Mergers”, in coll., New Belgian Banking Law, AEDBF Yearbook 1994, Wiley Chancery, p. 90.

“Le droit de la concurrence au Japon”, Rev. dr. int. dr. comp., 1985, p. 320

Multiple publications in the Clifford Chance client briefing series, in particular:

“Belgian short selling ban: stretched far — too far? — by the FSMA”, August 2011

“Judicial reorganisation: a new insolvency regime in Belgium since 1 April 2009”, April 2009

“Disclosure of major holdings in Belgium: new regime from 1 September 2008”, August 2008

“Cap on auditors’ liability in Belgium confirmed by restatement of audit law”, June 2007

“New tax rules facilitate securities custody and paying agency in Belgium”, May 2006

“Capital markets: new Belgian law capping auditors’ liability”, January 2006

“New Belgian tax on fixed income investment funds”, January 2006

“Belgian law on financial collateral”, February 2005

“New Belgian code of conflicts of laws: effects for the banking and securities industries”, July 2004

“Extensive implementation of UCITS III in Belgium”, May 2004

“Belgian withholding tax on interest — new exemptions”, June 2003

“Assignment and pledge of claims — Belgian rules of conflicts of laws”, May 2002